Tuesday, July 13, 2010


Yes my mojo is lost, that is the number one reason why there has been lack of posting on this blog lately. I was hired to do the demo job for cricut and although it was a great job, my mojo got lost somehwere. I don't know if it was somewhere inbetween demo'ing the expression or the cricut cake but it flew the coop. So how do we find one's mojo?? I have been asking myself that very question for a few months now, so I am going to turn it over to you - my 17 followers.

"How do you get back into the swing of things?"
"How do you get your mojo back?"
"What do you do if you can't seem to get the creative juices flowing?"

The person who can help me find my mojo will win a prize. I am looking for any and all help to get my juices flowing again. This will be a contest for the best response and I will post a pic of the prize by the end of the week. Give me ideas followers - I NEED HELP!!


  1. What helped me is organizing everything I had. I organized my room, my drawers, my paper, my embellies, EVERYTHING! It was alot of work but once I organized it all I had a great sense of accomplishment.
    Then after that you should slowly have some mojo because you'll see all of the awesome things you have and get to thinking "Oh, I could use this for that" "Oooh I can do this with that!" Ect.
    Another fun thing I like to do is visit websites and look at other peoples creations!! I then put my twist on them. It gets my creative juices flowing!

    Hope it works out for you =)

  2. I've got a pile of blogs bookmarked and files on my computer with projects I saw and thought I'd like to do. I go back to those spots and find something that I wouldn't necessarily make and go for it! It's not for anyone but myself, and I take my time and do it up right. I find that sometimes when I am doing things for other people, including swaps, I feel uninspired. Doing something just for me reminds me why I love this hobby and gets me thinking of the next project. :)
